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Adam Mahmoud

  /    /  Adam Mahmoud

Adam Mahmoud

Adams career has given him invaluable insights into governmental net-zero carbon commitments and legislation, his experience in buildings, housing and infrastructure allows him to support clients in meeting governmental standards that align with global targets within this sector.


He studied an MSc in Climate Change: The Environment, Science and Policy’ which approaches climate change from many perspectives, including that of scientists, policymakers and urban planners.


His research, analysis and reporting skills span multi-sectors and disciplines, and being multi-lingual his communication skills are beneficial for a truly global consultancy as a net-zero carbon advisor. He presents recommendations to clients in a clear and informative manner addressing issues on carbon literacy, the environment, social and governance.


He pursues his interest in helping our planet avoid climate disaster by embedding himself within and increasing his knowledge, understanding, skills and tools to tackle the contemporary climate change and ways to mitigate the issues, and stresses that climatic conscious and responsive design is a multi-layered process, requiring the collaboration of a multitude of skillsets in order to co-create successful solutions.

He has experience with how our cities can transition to more sustainable net-zero carbon ones, introducing for example urban greening and community gardens through the engaging of local communities in a series of workshops and tying in education for local schools and youth groups. In this project he considered the cost-effectiveness and feasibility of the project in addition to the long-term maintenance of the green spaces examining the value in the environmental impacts of initiatives, but also mindful of their social and economic outcomes.


Extending these principles into further models of sustainability, including: zero waste approaches and exploring how to integrate and embed a circular economy at a city-wide scale; the introduction of renewable energies, blue technologies and the decarbonisation of the materials used in all of our building products, whilst of course, advocating throughout for passive design philosophies to be addressed from the outset.


Adam has an adaptable skill set in the net-zero carbon sector which is suited to his role, and his excited by the opportunity to influence community change through sustainability.